Thursday, February 26, 2015

Apples and corn and pineapples... oh my!

Ever heard of the "dirty dozen"?  How about the "clean 15"?  According to Environmental Working Group the dirty dozen is a list of twelve of the produce items we eat on a regular basis that test highest for pesticides.  The clean 15, in contrast, test lowest.  When I went paleo/primal two years ago, I became obsessed with all things organic.  Two years and untold dollars later, I've realized that I can actually continue to shop at my local grocery store instead of hitting Whole Foods, Trader Joes, the local farmer's market, and various produce stands every single week.  Who has time for all of that?  I prefer to spend my time planning meals that are comprised of easily sourced ingredients and don't require blind monks to have tended crops fed with the manure of virgin cows raised in the holy lands having never seen the light of day.  Turns out I can purchase organic options of the dirty dozen which are readily available at my neighborhood grocery store and save a ton of money and headache by lightening up and buying conventional from the clean 15 list.

PS... I still recommend grass fed beef and pastured pork and chicken if at all possible.  If not, then buy the leanest cuts you can and remove the skin.  See.  Now wasn't that easy?

Witty quip of the day:  Ummm... you gonna eat that?  "Napoleon.  Give me some of your tots!", for you nerds out there.

Read the report here:


EWG's 2015 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

1EWG's Dirty Dozen Plus and Clean Fifteen Lists


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Sweet Corn

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Sweet peas frozen

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15EWG's Dirty Dozen Plus and Clean Fifteen Lists

Sweet potatoes


EWG's 2015 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

1EWG's Dirty Dozen Plus and Clean Fifteen Lists


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8EWG's Dirty Dozen Plus and Clean Fifteen Lists

Sweet bell peppers

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Cherry tomatoes

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Snap peas - imported

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+EWG's Dirty Dozen Plus and Clean Fifteen Lists

Hot Peppers +

+EWG's Dirty Dozen Plus and Clean Fifteen Lists

Kale / Collard greens +